Shinnyo-en Lantern Floating CURSE Descends on Hawai'i

May 26, 2024


Floating Lantern Hawai'i Participants Will Suffer Loss and Misfortune !!!


BOYCOTT Shinnyo-en Floating Lantern Hawai’i

Memorial Day Monday honors the UNSELFISH. Shinnyo-en encourages selfishness. Participants are now WARNED that their attendance disturbs the karmic forces of universal goodness, sacrifice, unselfishness and mindful behavior of others.

Those who attend and support Floating Lantern Hawai’i will suffer loss, misfortunate and bad luck in the upcoming year. Participants and those who support Floating Lantern Hawai’i are now “digging their own graves.”

Shinnyo-en does not respect fallen American heroes

Shinnyo-en does not respect fallen American heroes

We requested Japanese Buddhist Order Shinnyo-en politely, professionally, civilly, but firmly, to cease & desist hosting Floating Lantern Hawai’i on Memorial Day Monday for five years.

The deaths of our brave, valiant men and women in uniform who perished in pursuit of protecting, defending and ensuring our personal as well as collective safety and continuation of our freedoms MUST REMAIN EXALTED by civilians. Masako Ito defies the teachings of her father, Master Shinjo Ito.

UPDATE 2.27.25: Democrats did not respect fallen American heroes

Democrats in Hawaii did not respect fallen American heroes

Honoring civilians on Memorial Day is SELFISH ... yes, YOU love YOUR grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, brother, sister or lost relative. YOU! ME! Memorial Day Monday is when we honor THEM ... not us who are the living, and not our personal family. We honor those who were UNSELFISH.

Shinnyo-en does not respect fallen American heroes

U.S. President Harry S. Truman stated, “Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can NEVER be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.”


UPDATE 2.28.25: We warned LOCALS in Hawai'i ... Go Woke, Go Broke !!! Democratic Officials DID NOT put Americans first. They allowed a Japanese Buddhist Order to trample on our national heroes. We put a CURSE on local people in May 2024.

You were warned. WOKE, DEI policies disrespected our nation and heroes ... MAGA now is a tidal wave over this incompetent, cruel society. KARMA is a cold witch in hell. You were warned !!!

Shinnyo-en does not respect fallen American heroes

Trump Job Cuts In Hawai'i: Economists Predict 2,200+ Layoffs. The estimate does not include a potential 1,200 jobs likely lost at the University of Hawai'i or layoffs expected related to future downsizing of government and grants.


Christians understand the respect owed to those who make the of ultimate sacrifice.

This is my commandment: that you love each other as I have loved you. There is no greater love than this — that a man should lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

Shinnyo-en does not respect fallen American heroes

Shinnyo-en does not respect fallen American heroes

The Buddha likened a person who enjoyed wealth without sharing it with others to someone digging his own grave. The Buddha also compared the person who righteously earns wealth and gives it to the needy to a person with two eyes. The stingy person was compared to someone with only one eye.

Buddhism sees this desire to see others become happy as the highest, most noble aspect of the human heart. When we look after and care for others — that is, help others draw forth their life force — our own life force increases. When we help people expand their state of life, our state of life also expands.
Daisaku Ikeda, Buddhist teacher

The General Rule: Mindfulness

If you remember only one piece of etiquette, remember this: Be mindful. Take the extra moment to think about the people around you. This is what the essence of Japanese culture boils down to.

The philosophy of mindfulness in Japan can be traced back to Zen Buddhism, a spiritual discipline that heavily influences Japanese culture, art, and lifestyle. Zen Buddhism emerged in the 7th century and is characterized by its emphasis on meditation, intuition, and self-contemplation to gain enlightenment.

The side effects of mindful practice appear to be decreased suffering, increased happiness, increased control of your mind, and the capability of experiencing reality as it is without delusion.

The SIDE EFFECT of selfishness is INCREASED suffering, DECREASED happiness, DECREASED control of your mind, and the DIMINISHED capability of experiencing reality as it is without delusion.

You have been warned. Those who attend and support Floating Lantern Hawai’i on Memorial Day Monday disturb the karmic forces of universal goodness, sacrifice, unselfishness and mindful behavior of others. Those who attend and support Floating Lantern Hawai’i will suffer loss, misfortunate and bad luck in the upcoming year. Participants and those who support Floating Lantern Hawai’i are now “digging their own graves.”

We have asked ONLY and SIMPLY … host the heart-warming Floating Lantern Hawai’i on Sunday. Mentioning our military heroes is not sufficient. To be honorable, Shinnyo-en would need to float a lantern for EVERY one of the 53,000+ fallen heroes — men and women — who rest in honor at Punchbowl National Cemetery of the Pacific

Do not engage in SELFISH behavior. You are warned.